Hello everyone and welcome to the Dare To Be Stupid Show Website. Be sure to check the website for the latest DTBS videos posted online and to find exclusive DTBS videos you will not find on our YouTube Channel.

The Homepage has two DTBS videos you can check out: 

The first video is our most recent Youtube video called "Darth Vader Vs Anakin Skywalker Lightsaber battle". 

This is an awesome stop motion video we did recently using Star Wars toys and you will love the special light saber effect we used in it.

The 2nd video featured this week on the Homepage is a classic DTBS video thats not on YouTube and is only on our website. The video is called "Elmo Gets In My Pants" and its a hilarious public video and you wont believe what happens in it.

Keep coming back to the site and make sure to check the DTBS news and site updates section to find out what DTBS has just released and what videos are coming up.

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