Hey everyone. The Homepage has two brand new videos for this week and they are some really funny ones you dont want to miss.

The first one is a DTBS website exclusive & its called " Trolling Ronald Mcdonald"
Its a hilarious public video where Matt Mask trolls Ronald Mcdonald and mocks him after he doesnt want to be interviewed by DTBS.http://blip.tv/daretobestupidshow/trollling-ronald-mcdonald-6015120

The 2nd video on the homepage just went up today on St Patricks Day and its a horror spoof video called "Chucky Vs A Leprechaun". This vids sure to become an instant classic and is the first time we have done a skit with Chucky by himself.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpYpdfdF1QY

Share the videos with friends, and dont forget to comment and give the youtube vids a thumbs up so DTBS stays strong and gains popularity.

Thanks for reading...see you again next week.

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